mY RefLecTion....mY M.I.S...
{ Posted on 1:23 AM
by Ariel Serenado

Thursday, June 18, 2009 marked the first meeting of our subject in Management Information System or simply MIS with Dr. Randy S. Gamboa as our facilitator (according to him) for he never called himself a professor but a facilitator (humble) of course to aide the students the learning that is due to the students. The meeting started solemnly with a prayer and I was the one assigned to lead the prayer, so I did. Since, there were new faces from USep (tagum campus) he asked those students to introduce themselves and render a song for those who came late. After which the formal class started. The whole discussion was all about the course description of the subject, when nobody can justify the question of Dr. Gamboa, Is the description (Management Information System) appropriate or not? He gave us an assignment which is a blog entry in 1000 words.
By referring alone the term Management Information System is quite cumbersome to comprehend, especially if one finds it difficult and strange. Since, this is my first time to take the course Management Information System or simply MIS, at first i really don't have the idea what comprises this course, nor the relationship that invloves in it.
This blog entry serves as my reflection and my own understanding towards the course description, Management Information System (MIS).
Before one can explain the real thing about Management Information System (MIS), the terms management, information, system, and information system must be briefly be defined. By definition a system is a combination or arrangement of parts to form an integrated whole. A system includes an orderly arrangement according to some common principles or rules, or simply it is a plan or method of doing something. Information is what is used in the act of informing or the state of being informed which includes the knowledge acquired in any means possible. Lastly, management is usually defined as planning, organizing, directing and controlling the operation. Besides, if management has the knowledge of planning, its decisins can be made on the basis of facts, and decisions are more accurate and timely as a result. Through the given definitions of the above-stated terms we can now distinguish the differences and similarities if any of those terms somehow will help us to identify distinctions if any of those presented terms.
By definition Management Information System (MIS) is a subset of the overall internal controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and procedures. Another definition says that MIS is an organized approach to the study of information needs of a management. MIS can be separated into two terms, management, and the information system. The former implies that someone has to be managed inherently working independently, meaning to say that one has to be supervised by another individual to provide a valuable function in that one is being supervides can arrive into a coherent and structured information that would otherwise be useless if not supported. The latter has its components - Hardware, referred to as the physical attribute of the system; Software, referred to as the applications and programs found in the system; Peopleware, the ones capable for supervising the availability of software and hardware or in a more specific manner, Information System is also referred to as a system of people, data components that process the data and information in an organization that supports the data-intensive application.
This means that Information System is viewed as the processing of data, from routine facts and figures into information which is then used for decision making. Thus, Dr. Gamboa proposed in the class to consider the equation, Hardware + Software + Peopleware = Information System. After presenting it to the class, Dr. Gamboa asked now the question, Is Management Information System an appropriate course description?
Now, as for my learnings and observations, MIS have been created to support and regulate activities. As for my understanding with Management Information System, it is therefore a structured and planned system of imparting, retrieving, storing and processing the data in the form of information vital to carry out the functions of management. In a way that the enhancement projection or simply the development of management will assist and execute the general workforce of the process such that it will relate to the enhancement of information. Seeing now the perspective of MIS we can affirm how management and information system relate each other in any means. The information are being assured to be disseminated appropriately in all functions to make timely and effective decisions, planning, directing, and controlling and that management involvement and interaction between information system assures a more suitable and effective management information systems. We can really see how the two (Management and the Information System) interact from each other, each and every point of definition is a supporting detail to satisfy that the description, Management Information System is an appropriate one.
In a general sense, Management Information System is covering the application of people and procedures -- collectively called information systems -- and that int makes a lot of sense to justify further that the term MIS is formulated wuth appropriate details for it to be relevant and is not subject for any form of arguments.
Lastly, Management Information System deals with planning for development, management, and use of information technology tools to help people performall tasks related to information processing and management. In the field if MIS one will also find various functions that you as a knowledge worker must undertake to ensure that your organization maximizes its adavantages . Hence, IT is the key source of Management Information System. Indeed, it is critically important set of tools for working with information.
I think I have imparted all my learnings and reflections regarding MIS and for that I hope I made some necessary points to be considered in any possible way. By the way, this is all for my Reflection..mY M.I.S.
nyC day!!!
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