IS/IT Leadership Roles

{ Posted on 3:32 AM by Ariel Serenado }

IS/IT Leadership Roles

According to the Computer Science Corporation (CSC) here are the Information System LEADERSHIP Roles:

1. Chief Architect. The chief architect designs future possiblities for the business. The primary work of the chief architect is to design and evolve the IT infastructure so that it will expand the range of future possibilities for the business, not define specific business outcomes. The infastructure should provide not just today's technical service, such as networking databases and deskstop operating systems, but an increasing range of business-level services, such as workflow, portfolio management, scheduling, and scpecific business components or objects.

2. Change leader. The change leader ochestrates resources ro archieve optimal implementation of the future. The essential role of the change leader is to orchestrate all those resources that will be needed to execute the change program. This includes providing new IT tools , but itv also invlobes putting in the place teams of people who can redesign roles, jobs, and workflow, who can change beliefs about the company and the work people do, and who understand human nature and can develop incentive systems to coax people into different behaviors.

3. Product developer. The product developer helps define the company's place in the emerging digital economy. For example, a product developer might recognize the potential for performing key business processes (perhaps order fulfillment, purchasing or delivering customer support) over electronic linkages such as the internet . The product developer must "sell" the idea to a business partner , and together they can set up and evaluate business experiments, which are initially operated out of IS. Whether the new methods are adopted or not, the compnay will learn from the experiments and so move closer to commercial success in emerging digital markets.

4. Technology provocateur. The technology provocateur embeds IT into the business strategy. The technology provocateur works with senior business executives to bring IT and realities of the IT marketplace to bear on the formation of strategy for the business.The technology provocateur is a senior business executive who understands both the business and IT at a deep enough level to integrate the two perspectives in discussions about the future course of the business. Technology provocateurs have a wealth of experience in IS disciplines, so they understand at a fundamental level the capabilities of IT and how IT impacts the business.

5. Coach. The coach teaches people to acquire the skillsets they will need for the future. Coaches have basic responsibilities: teaching people how to learn, so that they can become self-sufficient, and providing team leaders with staff able to do the IT-related work of business. A mechanism that assists both is the center of excellence - a small group of people with a particular competence or skill, with a coach responsible for their growth and development. Coaches are solid practitioners of the competence that they will be coaching, but need not to be the best at it in the company.

6. Chief operating strategist. The chief operating strategist invents the future with senior management. The chief operating strategist is the top IS executive who is focused on the future agenda of the IS organization. The strategist has parallel responsibilities related to helping the business design the future, and then delivering it. The most important, and least understood, parts of the role have to do with the interpretation of new technologies and the IT marketplace, and the bringing of this understanding into the development of he digital business strategy for the organization.

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my M.I.S______________________________________________

Managerial Roles

The following are the managerial roles according to Henry Mintzberg:

Henry Mintzberg took a live study of five CEO's of a company and came up with ten managerial roles that best reflected all the daily tasks a manager performs. These ten tasks or roles are broken up to in groups called interpersonal, informational, and decisional. The groups are managerial behaviors the manager would go through on the job.

1. Interpersonal managerial. The interpersonal managerial roles have three roles within it figurehead, leader, and liaison. A figurehead role was to perform a number of routine duties of legal or social nature. An example would be a manager in charge of the legal department or sign contracts for sales deal. The leader role was in charge of motivation, training, and staffing. An example would be manager hiring an employee or human resource manager. The liaison role was to keep contact information of vendors that would supply information at work. A manager would keep this information to do everyday business to keep in contact with vendors.

2. Informational managerial role. Informational managerial role also has three roles within it are monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson. The monitor keeps current with all company information from within and the outside world. A manager would want to keep current to tell or show new things that employees or other personal would need to know. The disseminator shares knowledge with other employees. A manager would do this by holding meeting or sending out emails.The spokesperson would share information to the outside world like the press or other organizations. A manager would hold a conference or inform the media of new things to come.

3. Decisional managerial role. Decisional managerial role has for roles that are entrepreneur, disturbance hander,resource allocator, and negotiator. The entrepreneur would seek out new ideas and look for the opportunities for improvement. A manager would create ideas or get information back from employees to present ideas to the company.

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